September tweaks to the schedule…
Tuesdays… the 2 morning classes (9:15 & 10:30) will be combined for September at 10am
Thursdays… the 9:30 class is all 1.5-2 year olds so I will change the age range & curriculum to reflect the needs of that group; the 10:45 class will be for families with mixed age with older age..
Studios closed Aug 24-Sept6 for in service to prepare for Fall. September is our summer to fall flex month for summer makeups and fall trials & extras.
Scroll to bottom of post to see themes & materials.
September tentative schedule is below - for these classes to continue past September need a minimum of 4 children (3 families) and will be full at 10/12 children (8-10families). Please register as soon as possible to guarantee your spot and a classes continuation.
In NewBraunfels On Tuesdays…
9:15am L1 (walking- 2yos)
10:30am L2 (2-4 yos)
12:15pm Foundations (baby&me 0-1yos)
4pm L3-5 (3-5yos depending on family needs parents can drop off or stay)
5:30pm mixedage L2&3 (1-4yos & siblings)
In Cibolo
On Wednesdays…
9:30am mixedL2 (1-3 with family)
10:45am L3-5 with family
12:30pm Foundations Baby&Me
6pm L3-5
On Thursdays…
9:30am mixed L1 baby& young toddler
10:40 am mixed L3 (2-4 with family)
4pm L4 or Musicians depending on try outs
On Fridays…
2pm L3 with family
4pm L4 or Musicians & Artists depending on tryouts
Fall enrollment will include weekly classes, digital access, one physical book & instrument. Fall weekly classes will be from Sept to Jan except for scheduled holiday breaks (one in November, one in December, one in January). Themes & special events include (some differences depending on level)…
beach&sea&animals; walking & biking through nature; birds bugs dinosaurs; pretending/dressup; eyes hiding in the forest; drumming around the fire; The Night & Nightmare Before Christmas; getting ready for holidays with house, food, family.
Signup for trials, playdates (onetime visit), & fall now!! To see locations & schedules you can scroll below OR go to
And if you are new to my studio check out info on different locations (where, detours, pictures, map), social media pages, and ways to contact me
Aug 20-23 Playdates open to current & new families for trials, makeups, or onetime visits of new classes starting or continuing classes with openings this fall…
In NewBraunfels
Tuesday 12:15pm Baby&Me/Foundations (0-1yos)
Tuesday 5:30pm mixedages (1-3yos)
In Cibolo
Wednesday 9:30am mixedages (1-3yos)
Wednesday 12:30 pm Baby&Me/Foundations (0-1yos)
Wednesday 6pm L4&5 Musicians & Artists trial (this class is still in need of a couple more RSVP’s to guarantee for fall)
Thursday Aug 22 classes are for only summer enrolled families but there will be limited room in these classes for fall see early Sept dates)
Friday 4pm L4&5 Musicians & Artists trial
Aug 13-23 regular & merged classes- if you are currently enrolled you can come to any of these…
In NewBraunfels
Tuesday 12:15pm Baby&Me/Foundations (0-1yos)
Tuesday 5:30pm mixed-age L2 (1-4yos)
In Cibolo
Wednesday 9:30 mixed-age L2 (1-3yos)
Wednesday 10:45am L4family class (parents & sibs welcome, focus on 3-5yos)
(More Wednesdays in Aug below in Play dates)
Thursday 10:30am mixed-age L2&3 (1-4yos)
Thursday 5:45/6pm mixed-age L2 (1-3yos)
Another note for summer enrolled families- I will hold your spot in class through September. If you want to continue this fall you need to re register by the end of September!!