Kindermusik supports parents, caregivers, children at home as well as in class.
You can stream music, books, activities even digital instruments for your level on your account on the Kindermusik App, . (See Account Access & App posts for details on how to set up, manage, stream).
For registered families only… I will post links, support, communication, activity sheets on my blog & on the closed Facebook page - PrivateCommunity for KindermusikbySally classes.
I also provide developmental information & developmental activities to take home from class. So you don’t have to remember all the information I also have some Kindermusik fliers available. Below find fliers, craft ideas, playsets available from studio library- organized by level…
This month we explored Ball crafts & exploration of all kinds for all ages
Foundationsc (0-1yo)
Level1 1-2yos
Level2 or mixed 1-3yos
Level 3 & 4 or 3-5 yos
Extras for 4 & over
we also explored families of instruments around the world. From the studio library we have available sound bingo with instrument families and card games that explore sounds & pretend play.