This option is not always available. Winter 2024 does not offer this option but it may be available for summer
A one month trial is sometimes available depending on the time of year where you can pay for a single month at a time. You can also choose to pay a monthly payment if you sign up for a term/season through the automated payment system at www.kmbysallydancy.kindermusik.com. I am also working on a Membership/Subscription option (like a "gym membership") for continued access to Kindermusik's digital library, physical materials, and either zoom or limited number of IN-person classes that you can rsvp (availability will be first come first serve on what ever classes are currently on the schedule - contact me for more information). A months notice will be required to en-enroll from the membership (you must contact me via text or email or make prior agreement via text or email).
*Includes unlimited access to age&subject appropriate... digital access to Kindermusik digital materials & teacher, material library at the studio (for loan). May also include depending on offering... a physical material package for home use, and a listed number of in-person classes. Class size is limited- you must RSVP for specific class date, time.
for more on weather, health & makeups
*With a membership, You register once then pay monthly payments based on your child's age/level and the monthly minume fee. Your registration continues until you dis-enroll/take a break;
** Month advance notice is required for dis-enrollment/break-- the system is automated and you can go in and do it anytime. Once set up, payment is automatic by credit/debit through online system-- on Kindermusik International site. And the automated system should make automatic adjustments when the studio is closed.
*Of course weeks in the month vary from 3 to 5 but I try to even them out every 2to3 months- and definitely throughout the year. But if there is a concern you can always contact me!
*A guaranteed minimum number of weeks will be available throughout the year. How many classes/activities available per week & month varies do to holidays and calendar fluctuations but evens out each season. My goal will be 12 weeks in the fall, 12 weeks in the winter/spring, summer will vary but when available will be in 4 week blocks-- for a total of about 32 weeks a year. If classes are Cancelled do to weather or educator (usually do to an expected illness/emergency) then there are weather makeup weeks designated throughout the year (several per season- you can see the basic schedule on the ScheduleCalendar page.
*Fees & scheduling take into account that all families experience illness or scheduling conflict occasionally. You are welcome to come to other day/times as available to make them up.
*FREE Makeups, (most)special events, and celebrations are scheduled every season— all current/uptodate registered families are welcome to attend these at no extra cost (subject to rsvp and space available). This way most families have ample opportunity over time to makeup average absences. But if you experience a special extended situation you can talk to me-- I work with families when I can.
*The payment is done through PayPal or Kindermusik International.
*Finally a reminder all the payment plans include materials. Materials used in class and a AtHome package that is yours to keep and integral to the Kindermusik process which increases the impact of the program.