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Term/Season Pass

Term/ season pass is for access for 4 months of the year. The automatic payment system at will allow you to pay this all at once or on a payment plan (automatic withdrawal/card payment each month in the season).

*Includes unlimited access of studio's scheduled classes/activities that are age&subject appropriate, supplies and materials for in studio use, and a materials package for home use.  Class size is limited,  You must RSVP.  Availability is Guaranteed for one class day/time/location (your regular class(es)),  all others are subject to RSVP--

for more on weather, health & makeups 

*Unlimited access to digital streaming, studio library, and class attendance through the 4 month time period/season.

*There is a guaranteed minimum number of weeks of classes available for use/rsvp during the season - 12 weeks.  How many classes/activities available per week & month vary do to holidays and calendar fluctuations but even out through the course of the year.

*one spot in your preferred day/time will be held for you through the season. It is expected that most students/families do experience illness or scheduling conflicts occasionally and fees are set with this in mind.

*You are welcome to rsvp for other day/times as space is available- this is encouraged for both makeups & even extras as you'd like (usually have space in most of my classes - often add classes when we fill up). 

*All payment plans include materials. Materials used in class, digital streaming access from anywhere, a lending library, and AtHome package (varies but usually physical activities, one book, one instrument) that is yours to keep so you can continue the activities at home-- this increased impact and value of the program.

*Extra Classes & Makeups, (most)special events, and celebrations are free to pass holders and scheduled every season allowing for ample opportunities for making up usual/typical absences.  If you have an unusual attendance situation you are welcome to discuss options with me- I work with families when I can.   

*You register once then agree to payment for each term/season upfront.  I will keep your registration on file but you will have to pay for each term/season online or to me personally.  At the end of a term/season do Not have to officially disenroll through the online system however we would greatly appreciate notification of your intentions so we can hold a space for you or look to fill it.

*payment can be made by cash, check, debit/credit.  You can pay in person or on-line through PayPal or Kindermusik international.

*If you have an emergency situation and request an alteration in agreement please contact me ASAP. I will work with families when I can but take note there is a minimum payment and Month notice is required.


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