Foundations for Baby & Parent
baby(prewalking)/introverted toddle & caregiver, unlimited attendance
Service Description
Changing payment/registration system see For Newborn to 18 months... Sensory-rich, caring, gentle environment to explore & react to new sound, sensations, objects, & movements For Caregivers... supportive, nonjudgmental, relaxing environment to connect, resource, & guided by a trained professional. Access to all our great materials and facilities while at the studio; access to on-line resources through Kindermusik app, Kindermusik and DiscoveryMeadowStudio portals, or if you prefer physical books, CDs, & hand outs; one age appropriate instrument a season. You can come to an age Level 0-1 specific class or any mixed-age family class. You can join by... One time event (Kindermusik calls them PlayDates), By month - when offered (specials during summer or other special times) Winter/Spring, Fall, Summer term: 4 months of digital access, 12 weekly classes, one physical book & instrument. Check calendar for holidays. Unlimited class attendance available depending on package, rsvp, and space/age availability.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Changing payment/registration system see
Contact Details
424 Wiedner Rd, Cibolo, TX 78108, USA
+ 210-373-5406