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Sally Dancy

July notes &updates

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

July1st Miss Nora is holding classes at 2pm & 5pm

the rest of the classes before the 4th are cancelled

we hope you have a happy 4th of July

if you want an invite please contact me at +12103735406

Plan for after July 6th... we will have regular virtual classes. Hopefully we will also have weekly in-person events through July and August. But we will be monitoring the health & safety situation.

As of July6st the virus numbers SanAntonio have been rising for awhile and because several local businesses in Cibolo have closed do to positive cases, I have decided to postpone the start of in-person classes till I can find some data on the local community. (it’s Also because I’m having a difficult week with family health and want to be extra cautious).

As of July 13th... I have done some research. Even though Guadalupe county and Cibolo City a delay of official press releases, there is a developing (or already in progress) spike in the same area as DiscoveryMeadowStudio. Because of this I have decided the risk is too high for inside classes this month. Also do to the heat advisory this week’s temperatures are going to be too high for outside classes (at least while the sun is up). So no in-person outside classes this week. I do have some physical materials ready for pick up and will call/text those families for arrangements.

notes about my process...

*to pick up materials- contact me your preferred way. The day you want to pick up contact me to confirm someone will be there & gate is open. Then after you arrive at the studi, text me and someone will bring your materials package out to you & pickup payment (if needed). Most spring enrollees had their basic materials covered. If you want more books & instruments I can order them and I take card, check, or cash.

*I do still have a plan to move to in-person classes starting with weekly outside events, then outside classes, and eventually inside classes. Regular in-person outside classes will start with family events and Level 4&5 classes.

*Because it looks like we may be dealing with this issue for awhile, I am going to post my risk assessment process so you can see what criteria I am using to decide when & how to have classes. I am following the guidance from the CDC and some well known risk management techniques. I’ll be posting that information over the next couple of days (I want to make sure it’s clear and concise before I post it).

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