Even before they arrive, sing to them like they're right there in your arms! 💜

The voice of a child’s caregiver stimulates the brain and is foundational to communication skills. Your presence is SO important. 💜
@StanfordMedicine @stanford.med
Before birth Parent’s voice, Heartbeat, Movement start making connections with baby. Those connections can be used after birth to help calm, transition.
personal anecdote- the year I trained, studied, licensed to teach my first Kindermusik classes I became pregnant with my 3rd child. He came out of the womb knowing & responding to the Kindermusik songs. This was funny but no joke!! One of the many reasons I became so passionate about #kindermusik.
The first 3 months after birth are often referred to as the 4 th trimester because of a baby's connection (& dependence) to parents. Through the whole first year after birth there is still so much development of sensory processing happening in the brain & body! Music in general helps with this- Kindermusik has refined a process that uses music, movement, multi sensory exploration to support development.
The songs I sang while I was pregnant helped my 3rd child with transitions after he was born. It was similar to how my heart beat & voice was familiar and calming- and when I was singing with my heart beat and my own voice it supercharged that affect.

My 3rd child also developed rhythm & pitch skills earlier than my older 2. Although this wasn't a scientific study it still impressed me. And there are studies that indicate that immersion in music is the biggest reason children of musicians are more musical (as a posed to genetics). Musical families have more interaction with music and appears to be important in brain development. Music is just one of the most (if not the most) efficient ways of engaging the brain. Which is probably linked to the fact that music is sensory, physical, emotional, social, language, patterns... etc
More info & links for babies & music https://www.discoverymeadowstudio.com/post/baby-development-articles-more
Watching my children in Kindermusik was magical and powerful and life changing and it became my passion as #kindermusikbysally eventually #discoverymeadowstudio