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Family & Toddler Classes

Sally Dancy

Let’s talk Family classes

Child with Parent/Caregiver

With optional friends, family, siblings

In family classes children learn within the the comfort and guidance of family & friends. Toddlers and young preschoolers are a lot like a kangaroo joey- they need connection with & support of caregivers and then jump out of the metaphorical pouch of the family to explore the world all around independently.

We can provide... Mixed-age classes for all ages and all siblings, mixed for a specific age range, OR classes that focus on one age.

videos of kindermusik family classes with a mixed age (any or all ages & siblings)…

age/level specific classes...

•Level 1 for 1-2 yos here's a video

Here's a video  Level3 for 3 -4 year olds here's a video

Often I provide a Mixed age/age range for families wanting to be with friends of a specific range add alter to those in class. Because of this I also adapt the curriculum to the group of children in class.

Some of the most common are

•Mixed-age 0-2 (Level1) 6month to 2yo

•Mixed-age L2 (usually Level2 curriculum) 1-3 year olds

•Mixed-age L3 (Level3 curriculum) 2-5 year olds

*Mixed age all age (use a mix of curricula as needed for who is in the class)

*Siblings are welcome in many mixed-age L2 & L3- if you are unsure please contact me.

To see current schedule, go to all blog posts, or search for current season (example winter schedule )

Season/term usually includes 4 months of digital access; 12 weeks of inperson classes; one physical book & instrument per term/season. Classes typically last for 60min and are for children with their parent/caregiver.

More on class, List of activities below...

In class

*explore senses

*move to learn general concepts and coordination

*support creative development with opportunities with instrument, vocal play, imaginary play, equipment & manipulatives

* equipment & manipulatives include balls, hoops, scarves, puppets/stuffies,

*instruments include all kinds of developmentally designed percussion bells (both ringing & pitched), shakers, drums, scrapers, clackers, sticks

*stories including pretend play, physical books, musicals

*art & sensory exploration with a variety of media

*developmental social & emotion processing within small group with parental support

*professional & multicultural instrument demos

*parent tips

*AtHome ideas & materials physical & digital

Music, instruments, books, activities, and even parent tips to use at home

*Kindermusik's app & website allow for access anywhere, anytime!!


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